Terms of use
Aahchat.com's Terms of use
Terms you agree to when you register to chat here either guest or member.
*All decisions are FINAL and are made with the best interest of this site in mind.
*We are a 18+ general chat site. If you are under the age of 18, you will be BANNED from the site.
*** WARNING TO PARENTS***By allowing your minor child to chat here, you do so at their own risk!!!
*Any post of lewd content involving a child or children (Under 18 years of age) will result in you being BANNED.
*Any post that threatens to do harm or to belittle or demean AahChat will result in you being MUTED, KICKED, or BANNED.
*Any post that threatens or does harm to any AahChat Chatter will result in you being MUTED, KICKED, or BANNED.
*Any post that is bigoted or hateful will result in you being MUTED, KICKED, or BANNED.
Please note... ALL decisions are FINAL and are made with the best interest of this site in mind.
*Typing in all CAPS is considered to be yelling by most Chatters. Please chat in Lower Case.
***WE ARE NOT a dating site. Meeting and forming relationships with other chatters outside the site is at your own risk.
***WE have a Sex chat room, content is rated "X"
Aahchat has a team of volunteers who help moderate the site for spam/scams, bots, and those who would prey on the lonely and vulnerable. They are easily identified with either a shield, star, or crown next to their user names. They are known as KOP's here, which is short for Keepers of Peace. Many sites refer to them as "moderators". Although Aahchat believes it has the best mods in the chat world, nothing on the internet is 100% safe.
AahChat is an English language Chat. This helps to ensure the safety of the site.
We do not allow duplication of user names!...Chatters are people, not machines, or devices, and AahChat respects each and everyone of you for individuality, and understand that when we choose a username, it gives a little insight into our individual souls..There is only ONE of you!
We abide by the US Bill of Rights and believe in Freedom of Speech. "Peace through communication is our Mission" If you don't feel you can chat in peace here, then don't chat here.
VIPs: You cannot purchase or donate to become a VIP. We believe all members are VIPs and we will give you a VIP Diamond as soon as you make a post.
If you click on a posted link by another chatter, you do so at your own discretion
Privacy: Your privacy is important to us, and you can read that in our privacy policy.
*** You can choose not to display your age or gender in your personal profiles. AahChat.com takes you at your word. HOWEVER, in the best interest of the site, AahChat.com reserves the right to question you at any time. You can always choose to not answer, and in doing so you can also choose not to chat here***
DO NOT SOLICIT for other sites here, you can and will be banned
DELETING your account - to delete your account is a function on your profile and once you click delete, your account will fall off our system in 7 business days.
***We will do our best to keep you updated with happenings on the site in our News***Aahchat.com does its best to stay online 24/7/365, however, to register to chat here, our window time is limited. If you should decide to register outside the registration time frame, please send an email through our "Contact Us" feature :).